Happy Anzac Day
April Events

Happy Anzac Day Wishes, Messages and Quotes

Every year on April 25th, Anzac Day commemorates the brief but powerful partnership that existed between the armed forces of New Zealand and Australia during World War I.
The ‘Anzacs’ participated in the Gallipoli campaign as their first operation during World War I, hence the name ‘Anzac’, which stands for Australia New Zealand army corps. This occurred during the First World War, and the ‘Anzacs’ served in the Gallipoli campaign as their first operation.
This day is held in high regard around the world, particularly in Australia and New Zealand, as a memorial to their fallen heroes who died in the war.

Anzac Day honors those who have fought and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping missions, as well as the sacrifice and suffering of all those who have ever served.

As a result, for this Anzac Day, we’ve compiled a list of the best Anzac Day quotes, wishes, greetings, messages, and Images for you to share with your friends and family.

Anzac Day Wishes

  • Heroes who shed their blood and lost their lives! You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. – Happy Anzac Day!
  • Let’s cheer for our fallen heroes, whose souls shall be proud to know what we are today, and celebrate a happy Anzac Day
  • Happy Anzac Day

  • At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we shall remember them. Lest we forget. – Happy Anzac Day!
  • Freedom is not free, hence brave heroes paid the price in the past so our future can be free, a happy Anzacs day to all
  • Happy Anzac Day

  • Freedom comes with a price and we have certainly paid a very heavy price by losing our heroes to it. Warm greetings on the occasion of Anzac Day to all.
  • With marches and oaths, let’s reignite the patriotic spirits our fathers and forefathers showed so we live in peace today, hence a happy Anzac Day
  • Happy Anzac Day

  • When you go home tell them of us and say for your tomorrow we gave our today. – Happy Anzac Day
  • We are the children of the brave soldiers who fought for freedom and brought it home. Wishing everyone a very Happy Anzac Day.
  • Happy Anzac Day images

  • Have your rosemerries ready, and join the prayers in the commemoration and celebration of this Anzac Day
  • From us here at Aussie West Lakes, we pause to remember those who fought on conflicts overseas this Anzac day. Lest We Forget.
  • Anzac Day Messages

  • A very happy Anzac Day to all my friends in Australia and New Zealand. I hope you are able to commemorate appropriately during these difficult times. Anzac Day 2022!
  • Happy Anzac Day images

  • This day is not only just a celebration but is a national memory among all we live here, it’s the day two nations became one to gain victory, hence celebrate this Anzac Day with pride and joy
  • Have faith in yourselves just like our forefathers did, for whom we won the war, and remember this day, since this day was, and is ours to celebrate, a happy Anzac Day
  • Happy Anzac Day images

  • Let us never let the feeling of patriotism in our hearts fade away. Let us always remember the sacrifices made by our fathers and forefathers. Warm wishes on Anzac Day.
  • We advance, we shall always keep our heads high since this land is not for free, it has a price, which was paid by the blood of our brave soldiers, to honor that we celebrate this happy Anzac Day
  • Happy Anzac Day images

  • Wishing a very Happy Anzac Day to everyone. This day is all about cheering for our fallen heroes to tell them that we are really proud of them.
  • Have a feast and join the marches, decorate those red poppies beside the wall heroes to pay tribute to our fallen heroes, and celebrate this Anzac Day
  • Happy Anzac Day images

  • The celebrations of Anzac Day are incomplete without remembering the men and women who gave their lives for the freedom that we enjoy today. Happy Anzac Day.
  • Let us make our lives better and live for only one purpose, to be together and be strong, just like our forefathers did in the past, the legendary Anzac, happy Anzac Day
  • Happy Anzac Day images

  • The occasion of Anzac Day will always inspire each and every person to be as brave and as patriotic as our forefathers. Sending warm greetings on Anzac Day to all.
  • Anzac Day Thank You Messages

  • We remember and thank all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and country on this Anzac day.
  • This is a day to remember the world. A day to remember unforgettable heroes. Happy Anzac day wishes
  • On the occasion of Anzac Day, let us thank all our forefathers who fought and died for our freedom. Wishing everyone a very HappyAnzac Day.
  • Happy Anzac Day images

  • The occasion of Anzac Day gives all of us an opportunity to express our gratitude towards the brave souls who brought us freedom. Happy Anzac Day to all.
  • A big thank you to all those who died in the warfighting for the freedom of Australia and New Zealand. Warm greetings on the occasion of Anzac Day to all.
  • The celebrations of Anzac Day are incomplete without thanking the heroes who died fighting for our country. Wishing you a very Happy Anzac Day all.
  • Let us celebrate the occasion of Anzac Day by thanking the soldiers who died while bringing freedom to our nation. Happy Anzac Day to all.
  • Happy Anzac Day images

  • “Today we remember those who fought for our freedom. I am proud. We will miss them.” Happy Anzac Day to all.
  • We remember and thank all those who sacrificed so much for freedom with our country on this Anzac day.
  • Anzac Day Quotes

  • “If we don’t end the war the war will end us”- H.G.Wells
  • “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” ― George Orwell
  • “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” -G.K.Chesterton
  • Happy Anzac Day images

  • “Today, We Honour the Loss of Precious Lives and Ponder the Gift of Services.”
  • “At the Going Down of the Sun and in the Morning, We Shall Remember Them. Lest We Forget.”
  • “Today, we celebrate freedom. And those who fought for and died for it came from many parts of the world.” Happy Anzac day wishes.
  • “We Pay Tributes to All the Soldiers Who Have Died Fighting for My Country. We, Will, Remember Them.”
  • “It was true of Anzac Day. And our crowd would have been proud to see our club play that way, under that stress when one of our team went down early. Unlikely heroes stood up”. – Unknown
  • Happy Anzac Day images

  • “Lest we forget it is easy to be human, very hard to be humane.”
  • “To all the unselfish heroes who have given everything for us, you will never be forgotten.” – Unknown
  • “Anzac Day is a time to reflect on the servicemen and servicewomen, past and present, who have displayed courage and self-sacrifice serving our country.” – Unknown
  • “Today we commemorate our diggers, it’s a day to thank them for their service and remember those who died defending our freedom.” – Unknown
  • “Today, we celebrate freedom. And those that fought and died for it from many parts of the world.”
  • “Every time I hear the last post I get a lump in my throat. They gave their lives so that others may live. We will remember them.” – Unknown

What Is ANZAC Day? ANZAC Day History | We commemorate ANZAC Day every April 25th, but why is it considered our most important

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