Gay Pride Month
June Events

Inspirational Gay Pride Month Messages and LGBT Quotes

June is Gay Pride Month in the United States. It’s about standing up to sexual harassment and violence. Happy Pride Month messages to share, and celebrate this month with good spirits and inspirational LGBT quotes. Pride Month Messages 2022 are both inspirational and compliment the spirit of homosexual people to never give up fighting for their rights and to continue fighting like heroes.
You can use these LGBT quotes in social media posts, and group chats throughout the month of June.

Gay Pride Month Messages

  • It takes courage to stand up for yourself, to tell the world who you truly are. Congratulations on Gay Pride Month.
  • Have a wonderful Gay Pride Month, May there be no discrimination in this world, only equality for all.
  • Finding others like you makes you feel you finally belong somewhere, Warm wishes on Gay Pride Month to you.
  • Gay Pride Month
  • God has made us unique, and this is certainly his way of showing us how much he loves us. “Have a wonderful Gay Pride Month”.
  • Inspirational LGBT Month Quotes

  • “If you help elect more gay people, that gives a green light to all who feel disenfranchised a green light to move forward.” — Harvey Milk
  • “Nature made a mistake, which I have corrected.” — Christine Jorgensen
  • “We are powerful because we have survived.” – Audre Lorde.
  • Gay Pride Month
  • “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.” — Harvey Fierstein
  • “You don’t have to be gay to be a supporter—you just have to be a human.” — Daniel Radcliffe
  • “I believe that telling our stories, first to ourselves and then to one another and the world, is a revolutionary act.” – Janet Mock
  • “Love him and let him love you. Do you think anything else under heaven really matters?” — James Baldwin
  • “There will always be enemies. Time to stop being your own.” — Larry Kramer
  • Gays are not interested in making other people gay…But homophobes are interested in making others homophobic.” – Stephen Fry
  • “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” – Dalai Lama
  • “Don’t be afraid. Don’t be ashamed. Don’t ever apologize for your sexuality. Just be you.” – Sonya Deville
  • “The important thing is not the object of love, but the emotion itself.” — Gore Vidal
  • “We deserve to experience love fully, equally, without shame, and without compromise.” — Elliot Page
  • Pride equality quotes

  • “Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it really counts.” – Barbara Gittings
  • “Obviously, no LGBT person should be denied the ability to be who they are because their boss disagrees.” – Gloria Steinem
  • “When all Americans are treated as equal, no matter who they are or whom they love, we are all more free.” – Barack Obama
  • Gay Pride Month
  • “You know, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender – people are people.” – Judith Light
  • “All human beings deserve equal treatment, no matter their gender identity or sexuality.” – Andreja Pejic
  • So let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me. – Tim Cook.

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