Udham Singh Diwas.
July Events

Shaheed Udham Singh’s Martyrdom Day Quotes and Messages

Shaheed Udham Singh is a well-known Punjabi freedom fighter who assassinated Michael O’Dwyer, the former lieutenant governor of Punjab in India. In 1919, Singh witnessed the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar, and the murder of O’Dwyer was retaliation for that massacre. Singh was hanged on July 31, 1940. During his detention, he went by the name Ram Mohammad Singh Azad, which represents the three major religions of Punjab as well as his anti-colonial sentiment. Learn more about Shaheed Udham Singh’s life.

Here Are Quotes by Udham Singh:

  • “What Great Honour Could Be Bestowed on Me Than Death for the Sake of My Motherland.”
  • “I Do Not Mind My Sentence, Ten, Twenty or Fifty Years or to Be Hanged. I Have Done My Duty.”
  • “I Just Shot to Make Protest. I have Seen People Starving in India Under British Imperialism. I Done It, The Pistol Went Off Three Or Times. I Am Not Sorry For Protesting. It Was My Duty To Do So.”
  • “I Am Dying For My Country.”
  • Udham Singh Shaheedi Diwas Messages

  • The strength and valour of Udham Singh will inspire the generations to come. He will always live in our hearts.
  • Remembering the great freedom fighter Udham Singh who sacrificed his life for our Motherland.
  • We will never ever forget your sacrifice for the freedom we are enjoying today. Salute to the legend Udham Singh Diwas.
  • Udham Singh Diwas

  • A heartfelt tribute to the nation’s pride and revolutionary leader, Udham Singh on his death anniversary.
  • Salute and tributes to the great revolutionary of the freedom struggle, Udham Singh, who ignited the spark of patriotism among millions of Indians with his devotion to the motherland.
  • Our tribute to the great revolutionary freedom fighter Udham Singh Ji on his punyatithi.
  • A humble tribute to the great freedom fighter, Udham Singh, on his Shaheedi diwas. India will always remember you.
  • Remembering fearless revolutionary Udham Singh on his Death anniversary. A big salute to the great freedom fighter.
  • Remembering the Fearless, The epitome of Sacrifice Udham Singh, Freedom Fighter, a Martyr on his Shaheedi diwas.
  • A big salute and heartfelt tribute to Shaheed Udham Singh on his death anniversary.
  • The strength and valour of Udham Singh will inspire the generations to come. He will always live in our hearts.
  • “What Great Honour Could Be Bestowed on Me Than Death for the Sake of My Motherland.”
  • Udham Singh Diwas

    Shaheed Udham Singh Birthday Hindi Messages

  • जलियावाला बाग नरसंहार के दोषी जनरल माइकल ओ डायर को मौत के घाट उतारकर भारतीयों का बदला लेने वाले
    अमर शहीद उधम सिंह जी की जयंती पर उन्हें शत शत नमन
  • अंग्रेजी हुकूमत की निर्ममता और अन्याय के प्रतिक
    जलियावाला बाग नरसंहार का लन्दन में जाकर
    प्रतिशोध लेने वाले देश के अमर योद्धा सरदार उधम सिंह जी की जयंती पर उन्हें कोटि-कोटि वंदन
    उधम सिंह जी का अदम्य साहस, राष्ट्रप्रेम और शौर्यगाथा हर देशवासी को युगों-युगों तक प्रेरित करेगी
  • माँ भारती के अमर वीर सपूत और महान क्रांतिकारी
    सरदार उधम सिंह जी की जयंती पर शत – शत नमन
  • शहीद उधम सिंह – ‘मुझे मृत्यु का डर नहीं, मैं अपने देश के लिए मर रहा हूं’

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