Telangana Formation Day
June Events

Telangana Formation Day : Wishes, Messages

Telangana Formation Day, also known as Telangana Day, is observed every year on June 2. Telangana became a separate state from Andhra Pradesh on this day in 2014, and K. Chandrashekar Rao was elected as the state’s first Chief Minister.
Telangana has declared the day a state holiday. Every year on this day, various programs are held by government and private organizations to commemorate Telangana Formation Day.

Telangana Formation Day Wishes

  • Wishing everyone a happy Telangana Formation Day. Let us all strive towards a better and brighter Telangana.
  • Telangana Formation Day

  • Greetings and best wishes to the people of Telangana on Statehood Day!
  • On the occasion of Telangana Formation Day. May the Lord always keep this land peaceful & prosperous.
  • I pray for the progress and prosperity of the people of Telangana. Happy Telangana State Formation Day.
  • Warm greetings to all people of Telangana on their state formation day. Happy Telangana State Formation Day.
  • Telangana Formation Day

  • The youngest state of India Telangana turns 7 years older. Happy Telangana State Formation Day to all Telugu People.
  • Greetings to all the sons & daughters of Telangana Talli. On state formation day, let’s recollect the sacrifices of our martyrs in the statehood movement. Happy Telangana Formation Day.
  • Greetings to all the people of Telangana and tribute to all who participated in the struggle and sacrificed their lives for the cause. May their soul rest in peace.
  • Warmest greetings to our brothers and sisters of Telangana on the state’s formation day. Wish you peace and progress.
  • Telangana Formation Day

  • This year, June 2, 2021, marks the sixth Telangana State Formation Day. Wishing the State endless growth and boundless happiness.
  • Warmest greetings to our brothers and sisters of Telangana on the state’s formation day. Wish you peace and progress.
  • On the occasion of Telangana Formation Day. May the Lord always keep this land peaceful & prosperous.
  • Greetings and best wishes to the people of Telangana on Statehood Day!
  • Greetings to everyone in India’s Youngest State. Salutes to all those Martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the state.
  • Warm wishes to the wonderful people of Telangana on their state formation day. May the state prosper and reach new heights of progress and peace. Telangana Formation Day

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